Electronic Cum UV Leak Detector Kit- 2 in 1 Tool


Electronic Cum UV Leak Detector Kit- 2 in 1 Tool

MODEL : AC 2160H

Heated Sensor Type

This is an electronic cum UV Lead Detector made in U.S.A. This has a heated sensor. It is provided with rechargeable battery through a AC charger. The purpose of heating the sensor is to increase its sensitivity to detect very small leakage of up to 03 gms per year


  • It detects the leak, rate of leakage and actual leakage position. It can detect leakages as small as 03 gms per year
  • It detects leakage of all type of AC gases like CFC, HFC, HCFC
  • It has a three colour leak size indicator. It has six different level of electronic sensitivity to match different type of gasses having different quantity of leakages
  • It has a ultra violate light sources attached to the tip of the tube so that whenever an electronic leak is indicated, it can be further verified by the UV light
  • It is supplied with UV detecting safety glass. The tool has a key pad to control the sensitivity, sound and UV light. It is supplied in blow, molded plastic carry case with batteries